Sunday, October 3, 2010

Fried Chicken

I finally attempted to make fried chicken at home the other day! I've seen people on tv marinate the chicken in buttemilk but I couldn't find any. So anyway, I'm really really happy with how the chicken turned out! I was really worried it wouldn't be anything like KFC/Popeyes but I used a fairly simple recipe and it totally looked and tasted like KFC. Yay me!


1 lb of chicken pieces (I used bone-in, mixed pieces)
3-4 eggs
1 cup of all purpose flour
1 tsp paprika
1/2 to 1 tsp red chili powder
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp onion powder
1 tsp black pepper
salt to taste (I put at least 3 tbsp on salt and it still needed more)

Wash the chicken and let drip dry in a colander. Mix all the dry ingredients (flour, salt and spices) together in a large bowl. Whisk the eggs in another bowl with a pinch of salt. Heat oil on medium high heat. A lot of recipes I looked at online said not to let it get too hot because it needs to cook evenly but other recipes say that if the oil isn't hot enough the batter will fall off. I heated my oil on medium high heat and waited until it got nice and hot but not smoking.

One at a time, dip the chicken pieces in the egg to coat and then dredge it in the flour. Dip it in the egg again and then dredge it once more in the flour until nicely coated. Drop into the oil. It took about 10-15 minutes for my chicken to cook and it was cooked just right. I turned it four times. It was golden brown when I took it out of the oil.

I served this with homemade mashed potatoes with gravy and broccoli and cheese. =)


  1. oh i just realized sally's red lobster biscuits woulda gone great with this!

  2. mmm. hey you can buy buttermilk in the aisle next to the milk and stuff! or heavy cream cartons and junk

    btw you can make buttermilk at home too, if you dont wanna buy a whole big thing. its simply regular milk, soured w/ lemon. the correct proportions are somewhere on google but lots of ppl do it that way. its the same thing. look up home made butter milk

    i need to post my recipe..i forgot where it is. havent made it in aw hile. but dont think much else was diff..well i think in the egg, i beat in a ton of hot sauce.

    also i want to master real southern style fried chicken. im thinking of dipping in buttermilk, then flour, then buttermilk, then crushed plain corn flakes. i heard its superrrrrrrr good that way

  3. mmm...ima have to make this too. i figure i'll just print out our entire blog and make it into a recipe book...hmm..maybe i should call rachel ray and ask if shes interested in doing an indian fusion thing...

  4. lol sunni youre so silly. lemme know what rachel says.

  5. oh yeah also my friend (hazima) reminded me, I think using chicken with the skin on would work wonderfully as well. I haven't tried it but thats how KFC does it.
