Monday, March 7, 2011

Mmm..Chicken Salad

LOL! I make this salad for my husband to take to work everyday! (he's on a 'DIET') and I cant believe I haven't mentioned this yet. I got this recipe off of some website years ago, but I tweaked it a bit to make it my own.

It turns out really really good! And when you pair it with a great italian dressing and croutons and maybe a hint of cheese over a great salad it turns out quite impressive although you haven't done much work.

Also, what I like to do, is ill marinate a bunch of chicken (maybe 4-5 lbs) at once and then separate into baggies and freeze it. so that way, i only have to slightly defrost in the morning and then bake it and hubby is ready to go! Which is also a good idea if you might have guests over suddenly.

so heres the recipe:
2 lb chicken breasts cut into filets
10 tbsp. Minced garlic
1 tsp cumin powder
1/2 tsp black pepper
1/2 tsp red flakes
2 tbsp lemon juice
1 tsp oregano
salt to taste
olive oil to fry

Warm olive oil in a pan. Add in all ingredients except chicken. Let simmer on med lo for 5 mins or until brown. Remove and let cool. Mix with thin chicken filets and let marinate for 3-4 hrs. Bake at 350 degrees until cooked (around 25-30 mins). Cut into strips and serve with salad of choice (lettuce, carrots, cucumbers, etc).

ok remember, what i mean by filets is that chicken breasts are waay too thick, so you want to make them thinner. so basically you just cut them into thin slices like pasandas and then put slits in them as well, so you chicken isnt white and the flavor seeps all the way through. also after you're done baking do not discard the juices! make sure you keep that on the chicken as it gives it a more juicy flavor.

Do not use garlic paste, because the minced garlic really does give it a great flavor!
You don't have to cook the ingredients if you don't want to. The original recipe didn't. I just like the brown garlic and the flavor that comes after cooking. Again it's a very versatile recipe. Make it your own if you like!

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