Sunday, December 5, 2010

Baked Salmon


1lb fillet of Salmon (skinned)
1 can mandarin oranges
1 medium potato cut into cubes (with skin)
1 small onion sliced thinly
1tsp coriander seeds
1tsp fennel seeds
2tsp olive oil/canola oil
Handful of asparagus stalks


Remove salmon from packaging (completely thawed) and place into a small baking tray (lined with aluminum foil). The salmon should be in the middle. Sprinkle salmon with a bit of oil. Spread the potato cubes around the salmon. Lay asparagus stalks flat alongside salmon (depending on the size of your baking tray, on top of each other is fine). Sprinkle generous amounts of Seasoned Salt over potatoes, asparagus, and salmon. Sprinkle small onion slices onto salmon, along with the coriander seeds and fennel seeds. Drain the can of mandarin oranges and layer over salmon, generously. Cover with foil and set aside to marinate for at least 15 minutes.

Set oven to 450 degrees. Let it warm completely to that temperature before playing tray inside. Cook salmon until it's an opaque pink and solidified inside, but not too dry. This will depend on your oven but it should take around 30 minutes, sometimes longer.

I tried this dish out with brown rice on the side and it was DELICIOUS. I initially set the oven to 350 but it wasn't working out - so I googled and found that 450 is an ideal temperature for cooking salmon. The vegetables can be substituted but the potatoes are delicious after seasoning and soaking in the salmon flavor. The asparagus were too cooked to my liking so you can potentially put those in when the salmon is close to being cooked so they will become cooked, but still retain a crunch. The mandarin oranges were PERFECT with the salmon and cooked well, flavoring the fish and adding a zest to each bite (re: be generous, one can of mandarins seems like a lot but it will be worth it). I'm going to try this recipe out again a few more times. I didn't find it in any particular place but took bits and pieces of other salmon recipes. Feel free to experiment and post adjustments!

1lb of salmon was only enough for a tasting quantity for the family. Ideally you'd have to have a lot more rice, a nice salad, and at least 2lbs of salmon for a larger household. Increase ingredient measurements to fit the fillet. This would have been more than enough for a full meal of 2 people.


  1. this sounds yummyyy!! the mandarin oranges are different but they taste good with
